India meets the Low Countries (online)
8 november @ 10:30 – 12:30
“Spiritual friendship is not half of the spiritual life, it is the whole of the spiritual life”
The Sangha nourishes and inspires. It is also a mirror to the potential we carry within us.
Some of us have been lucky enough to develop deep friendships with the Sangha of India. Indeed, coming into contact with practitioners from radically different social, cultural and economic backgrounds is inspiring. It teaches us to look at our practice from a different perspective.
That is why we are very pleased to invite you to an online meeting via Zoom on Sunday November 8 from 10:30 to 12:30 am. We have four very special speakers: young mitras and ordermembers from India who will talk about their experience and Buddhist practice. Over the course of the morning we will discuss the experience in small groups; recite the refuges and precepts (Indian style), and chant a mantra in honour of the Buddha.
During the mantra there will be an opportunity to make a voluntary contribution. We would like to raise 1300 euros. With that amount someone can be employed for a whole year as a coordinator for the “Young Buddhists in India” organisation. There are only 14 coordinators in total (7 men and 7 women) covering a huge country that has many young people interested in the Dharma. Two national coordinators are already financially supported through the Future Dharma Fund, and our goal is to support them further in this.
There is no need to register – just use this Zoom link:
Much love, hope to see you there and then….
Vidyavardhini Parina, Ratnakumar, Steven
Soniya, Vikash, Manisha